Dianne Andrews, Author
Third Man Out
Third Man Out is a suspense mystery filled with action. The plot revolves around Destiny Morgan and Nolan Chapman who meet and fall in love not knowing that they had met 15 years earlier. That night, Nolan''s wife was killed at the hand of one of the now world's largest drug lords - Santiago. Destiny, only 12 then, was held hostage by him the same night. Destiny was placed in the Witness Protection Program because she is the only person in America that can identify Santiago who now lives in Peru.Nolan is a professional baseball player who has worked undercover to assist the DEA in capturing 2 of the 3 drug pushers from that night. To get Santiago to America, a fake marriage was staged between Sonya, a superstar model and Nolan. Sonya befriends Santiago''s wife Monet, who is a clothes fanatic. Thru Drug Enforcement Agency undercover agents Santigo is gotten word of an alleged affair between Monet and Nolan.This infuriates Santiago enough to try to sneak into America. But Destiny, the DEA, and Nolan are waiting at the Port of New Orleans for him. A gun battle occurs and Santiago is shot. He falls off the ship into the Mississippi River. And the third man is out, it seems!
By: Dianne Andrews
Eye of Revenge
By: Dianne Andrews
Eye of Revenge continues the journey of Destiny Morgan, IBM executive and Nolan Chapman, professional baseball player from my fiction "Third Man Out", where Nolan risk it all to keep a promise to his slain wife on her death bed to avenge her murder at the hands of now Peruvian Drug Lord Santiago Cruz. Cruz was tricked back to the United States by Destiny. Nolan and the DEA. At the New Orleans port the third man Santiago Cruz was shot off a cruise liner falling into the Mississippi River for dead but his body was never recovered. There has been revenge in Monet Cruz's (Santiago's wife) heart since Santiago was shot. Destiny's mother had been hospitalized she and Nolan journey from the E. Coast to Louisiana, as Nolan is now a New York Yankee. They are married and expecting a son. After Nolan has departed for his game in Texas, Destiny goes into premature labor and Nolan Jr is born. Eva, their nanny, disguised, kidnaps the baby from the hospital. She has been working with Monet all along. Hurricane Katrina makes it difficult for Nolan to get his wife and baby from Texas. Nolan has hitched a ride to Louisiana to get his son and continues working with Steve Corcoran of the DEA. Thru a myriad of trials and much drama, Destiny, Nolan and the DEA arrive at Monet's rented house. Destiny first then Nolan. A gun battle ensues. A twist shows whether Santiago is the man doing all these evil deeds and whether The Third Man is truly Out !
Gumbo for the Heart
By: Dianne Andrews
Gumbo for the Heart is a book that ignites and inspires your energies to keep on keeping on. The stories in this book reveal the power of faith. Through faith, you can conquer all adversities in your path. The twenty-five individuals featured have lived accomplished lives, many not by monetary standards but by realizing their purpose. These individuals know the reason why God put us on this earth. Never lose faith. Hope for a better tomorrow and provide charity to others. By charting this course you will have found the true purpose of your life. Gumbo for the Heart is one tool that can be used in reaching fulfillment and happiness . . .
Getting to your Rainbow
By: Dianne Andrews
Is SUCCESS luck, careful planning or the elusive crystal ball?
I believe it is a combination of all three with 80% being careful planning by using my formula for Success:
SUCCESS = 3D x 2 P x N
S= (Desire x Decision x Determination) + (Planning x Physical Wellness x Purpose) + Networking
Getting To Your Rainbow is a way to heighten your spirits by reflecting daily on your life with joy not sorrow.
This is one of my many tools to assist you in leaving a path of goodness for others to follow!
Dianne Andrews, BS, MBA, PhD
Former IBM Executive, Transformational Speaker, Television Talk Show Host, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and Truth Seeker
"COVerup ID' - 2019"
By: Dianne Andrews
On January 14, 2020, the WHO announced to the world via a press conference that the novel coronavirus had jumped from animal to human. This process is named zoonosis. A few days afterward, there were speculations that this had been known by Chinese officials and the WHO for over 8 weeks. Also, there has always been a question of whether the virus was sold in a horseshoe bat at the Wuhan meat market or released by mistake or on purpose at the nearby Wuhan Biosafety Level ( BSL) 4 Virology Lab. This would mean it was man-made may be using "gain of function" technology.
January 31, 2020, the president closed our Western borders to China with 14,000 people traveling to and from China daily; 5 million yearly. China kept the borders inside their country closed but open to the world as the first index case is believed to be from their country making it ground zero to COVID.
The common cold is coronavirus. No, you don't get it from Corona beer! Really some people, in the beginning, thought that. Well, it was a very strange time with many dubious signals. Other coronas include SARS, MERS, and now SARS-COV2 which is the virus leading to the COVID-19 disease. This one became a pandemic, meaning it has affected people in many countries around the world. Probably the worst virus since the Spanish Flu of 1918. That one killed between 50 to 100 million people. Both of the presidents during these virus periods contracted these diseases, Donald Trump and Woodrow Wilson at the time.
In January 2020, the WHO released the virus genome code. The president and administration started meeting with many pharmaceutical companies. After investigating best methods and practices taking safety and efficacy in mind to get us to a vaccine in warp speed, initially, 8 companies were chosen. Pfizer and Moderna being MRNAS, J&J, and AstraZeneca/Oxford University, are both viral vectors. The others include Novanox, Sanofi, Merck, and GSK.
From $11- $14 Billion was paid to the companies upfront for an estimated 800 million doses, some are 1 dose vaccines. Pfizer received their monetizes when production started this means that in 2020 the last administration paved the way for more than enough vaccines for the 330 million Americans. Really 500 million Americans.
COVerupID'-2019 explains in detail the facts of the greatest mobilization of public/private collaboration in non-wartime in US history. Follow us on this journey and meet the leaders and thousands of hero's involved in Operation Warp Speed. I think you will learn how the science was followed to get us to safe effective vaccines faster than ever in world history!