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Dianne Andrews, MBA, PhD

Author, Entrepreneur, Talk Show Host

Dianne Andrews is an award-winning business leader, TV host, author,  professional speaker, community activist, health care expert, and philanthropist. She was graduated valedictorian of high school class; went on to college and graduated at the young age of 19 with a B.S. in Mathematics and Chemistry. Her father passed her freshman year and a month later her mom was struck by a car causing her to be physically challenged for the remainder of her life. Her mom told her to continue her education.  Dianne went every weekend to see her mom 4 hours away. After graduating she went to work for IBM in Endicott, NY then IBM/NASA at Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX. There she worked as an assembler computer programmer on the Space Shuttle project. She was promoted to become the second black woman Systems Engineer in the state of Texas at IBM Houston.

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SUCCESS = 3D + 2 P+N


S= (Desire x Determination x Discipline) + (Planning x Physical Wellness x Purpose) + Networking

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 ”Happiness is, after everything you've tried,  finding a place where there's love inside"
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Dianne Andrews

My Story

While at IBM, she held several executive management positions and obtained her MBA. During her management tenure there, Andrews was the first black woman Marketing Manager in the state of New Jersey. She was the second black woman Branch Manager in the state of Connecticut. She worked with business giants such as Avis Rent A Car, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Kaiser, Sharp, Exxon, Alcoa Aluminum, Minolta, Yale University, University of Connecticut, and LG traveling worldwide assisting customers in reengineering their business processes.

While at IBM, she started a seminar platform named Promoting Success, LLC. She continues to promote this concept today. The seminars focus on personal development, corporate development, and entrepreneurship. All free to college students.

Andrews created her own natural skincare line prior to owning three- 7 figure, 100 employee geriatric health home health agencies. She is the first black woman to have owned multiple sleep disorder clinics throughout the state of Louisiana.

In 2018, she decided to dedicate her time to more of her passions to assist humanity. She has authored 5 books, which include: "Third Man Out" (fiction), Eye of Revenge (the sequel to "Third Man Out"), and "Gumbo For The Heart" (which has 25 vignettes from famous and everyday people who have lived through desperate times with resilience). The book features notables such as Houston's former Mayor Bill White,  South African Ambassador James Johnson, dancer and actress Lola Falana, NFL player Warrick Dunn, Senator Bill Cassidy, General Honore, cancer survivors and bankrupted business owners.  Her 4th book” Getting to Your Rainbow “ has  80 of  her 500  motivational to transformational sayings with correlating pictures to give further impact. She completed her 5th book October 2020 on Covid-19 -COVerupID-2019,  a fact filled roadmap leading readers to safely get back to life using proper mitigation, including  masking and effective medicines and supplements.

In addition to writing, Andrews produces motivational calendars also entitled "Gumbo for the Heart."  Andrews was so deeply impacted by the pain, isolation and homelessness created by Hurricane Katrina. The  foundation sponsored an art contest for the young flood survivors. Monetary prizes were awarded to the winners. More importantly the process served to increase their healing. The calendar comprises pictures from the artwork of children impacted by the hurricane. Charitable work is so close to Dianne’s heart that she foundered the Lemmie and Mabel Andrews Charitable 501-c Foundation to honor her now deceased mother and father. For over 20 years she has fed up to 250 elderly every Thanksgiving and Christmas adding up to over 15,000 meals.  The foundation assisted in building a school in Haiti along with Aaron Jackson (CNN Hero) of Planting Peace, which de-worms thousands of Haitian kids monthly.

 Since 2015, Andrews has produced and hosted the largest  “issues-based television show” in Louisiana, “Dianne Andrews, In Black & White” seen in 3 million Louisiana and Mississippi homes and  globally on youtube - The show can be viewed on television CW, METV and Pelican Broadcasting.  She has broadcasted over 150 shows within six years interviewing over 500 guests.  She is creator, producer, stylist/makeup, host and coeditor.

Her broadcasts have several powerful series- The Silver Dollar Group of the KKK. Black White Blue Lives Matter, Religions-Atheist to Pentecostal, Covid-19- from medicines to masking and all in between.

One of her highly recommended topics include her 25 show series on Black, White. Blue Lives Matter. The series includes from Michael Brown to  the Alton Sterling police shootings. She also shows the real stats on police versus black on black killings.

 Dianne’s broadcasts depict (hardly seen on national media) white mothers with sons killed by police along with black on black men killing each other, sex trafficking and the #MeToo campaign. Andrews broke the story of the Silver Dollar Group of the Ku Klux Klan, the most horrific group of the Klan in the late 1960s and early 70s, located in Ferriday, Louisiana and Natchez, Mississippi. Her six show series on the Klan included the man who desegrated Ferriday High School, David Whatley, whose grandmother’s house was bombed. 

Guests have included: KKK Survivor Debra Taylor, Jr. Astronaut Alyssa Carson, LGovernor- Billy Nungesser, Hollywood actress Phyllis Stickney, a former ex-wife of boxing champion Muhammad Ali, General R. Honore, police chiefs and  sheriffs plus other police and military officials, Baton Rouge Mayors- Kip Holden and Sharon Broome, BR District Attorney Moore, Shia and Sunni Muslims, also Nation of Islam, Donna Britt, long term anchor for CBS  while battling ALS, State epidemiologist, Dr. R. Ratard on pandemic and epidemics including Zika, Ebola, and Covid-19. Her 30 COVID interviews include state epidemiologist, virologists, infection disease MDs, pulmonologists, respiratory therapists, judges, educators, and  financial forecasters.

 She has also gone into the field with a cameraman and shot shows at EBR Parish prison questioning the Black Panthers and the Sunni Muslim store owner of Triple S where Alton Sterling was killed  in 2016 by police. She went into mold infested houses in Houston with the Cajun Army after Hurricane Harvey in 2017 Dianne was also interviewed by David Bernard of CBS and Kenny Lopez of WGNO, the New Orleans ABC affiliate who produced a special on her work as a show producer, host and activist.  She is regularly on radio shows such as with LA. host  Jim Engster, Gloria Minot of Washington, DC,  Blogtalk Radio and other platforms.

When not working towards her tireless pursuits, she volunteers to help other organizations. She has aligned with organizations such as the American Heart Association’s GO Red for Women, Women Redefining Women, SCLC, Save Our Cities, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Member Southern University Gala on the Bluffs Fundraising and she is one of the founding members of the 100 Black Women in Baton Rouge. Andrews speaks around the country. She has recently been the keynote for Remington and Delta College  commencements. Southern University MBA class, and numerous luncheons on COVID-19.

 In April 2016, she spoke at the Whistleblowers Conference at the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas. From 2015 to 2019, she has presented at the National Whistleblowers Conference in Washington, DC regarding her investigative work on her shows. She also hosts shows with politicians and survivors there.

Her work led her to be named “Community Leader of the Year 2016” for the multi-state Cenikor Drug Rehabilitation Foundation, where she also serves as an active board member. She was emcee and  one of 12 Women chosen as “A Celebration of Women in 2017”.  She was honored by being chosen as a Spelman College 2018 “Woman of Excellence”.  In 2018 she spoke at the “BIG” Blacks in Government conference in New Orleans and that same year the Louisiana Institute for Administrative Assistants.  Despite her numerous accolades, Andrews has stated that the greatest accomplishment, challenge, and joy of her life was caring for her ailing mother who has passed.

Andrews moved to Baton Rouge from New York to prevent her mother from going into the nursing home. She gave up a top position on  the East Coast to become the highest black woman in the state and the 2nd highest black executive in Louisiana for IBM. 

In 2018, because of  her life’s body of work she was awarded an honorary PhD from Global Oved Dei Seminary & University. Where she also graduated as a Chaplain.

Andrews’ professional work is fueled by her personal philosophy: "Between black and white there are always shades of gray!" Be tolerant, and light your light! “Ms. Andrews believes to come to a better understanding in life we must ALL LISTEN.

 ”Always try to leave a path of goodness for others to follow”

Dianne's Success Formula

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Dianne Mom and Dad were her role models.
Lemmie and Mabel Andrews


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